I've recieved threats..

Hello readers!

So I've been recieving these threats from a certain englishman who's not too happy I don't write too often... DAMN YOU CRAZY BRITT!
Okay, so what's really going on? Mentally I'm swinging back n forth, having my better and my worse periods. But luckily I'm generally feeling quite good about things. Heck, could be worse!

So last night me, Anders, Sara and Lubo played a game of Munchkin, which we ended early because everyone was getting hungry, then a game of Risk which ended early because we were all really tired and Lubo had to get up early.
All in all it was a good evening, never boring to get together and have fun!

I can happily announce that the design is getting closer n closer to being finished, I saw a preview of it the other day and I was happily suprised. Looks awesome!

Let's just hope I can write soon again, more useless ranting in the world please!

A thought!

Hello dear readers, the few but oh so great ones :)

I had a amusing thought how I'd describe myself to someone who doesn't know me, I was travelling home from work. Sitting on a train, staring into the sunset (usually something very romantic, done on a beach or w/e) I thought that it wasn't so bad anyway, sitting there on the train. Then there's usually some soft, sensual music in the movies with sunset scenes. I was listening to Pain, quite the opposite of sensual music to most, but still my favourite kind :)

So to sum it up, I'd describe myself as a calm person who can settle with what's provided. I don't NEED the perfect things. And I can be both calm but find something good in the opposite, more chaotic things aswell.

It's quite hard to describe in words, but I liked how it made me feel sitting there thinking, so I wanted to share it.
Another positive thing is my overall mood, I feel quite good nowadays, alot better than I've felt the past few years, eventho things are far from ideal, I still feel quite pleased and happy about things :)


I fail at comming up with a topic today, can't say it's better than my last one either so.. Fail twice in a row!

So let's talk, about today that is. I was up late last night, about 6 hours more than I planned, which ofcourse made most of my day quite worthless. So what did the day look like? Well I woke up first at 7.30-8 something, I was quite blind, newly woken up and without my glasses so I couldn't really tell what the time was, but how'd I wake up? Neighbours were drilling the walls, concrete drilling that early, they ought to be shot or something..

I managed to go back to sleep, and woke up again around 11am, and as the last few days I was in a bad mood. Things didn't get better seeing as I was bored out of my mind. So I took a trip into the kitchen, sorted out some dishes, still some to do tho, 2 more days off of work should do it >.<
After that I took a shower, quite a long one for being me, 20min! During all of the boredom, dishes and shower I was considering not going to town meeting up with Sanna, but I ended up doing so, which was great fun seeing as I haven't seen her for almost a year. But it also made me miss the raid start, but there's more to life!

Back home again I feel quite good, going to my sisters tomorrow to play with the kids and hopefully be treated to some nice dinner (anything I'm served there is nice, even if it's just spaghetti and meatballs).

And now it's time for me to raid, Sindragosa 25 HC isn't very fun I tell you, but she will fall, like all the others!

(Btw, I have 2 steady followers, yay my blogg!)


Aparently, caramel Ferarri cars have a positive effect on me when I'm in a bad mood. Yay for that!
It also has a very bad timing, I feel like really putting some effort into fixing my design temporarly, however that'd collide with Stykx heading into ICC tonight, bollocks!

It's sunny outside, so when I walked to the store half an hour ago I decided to put on my summer jacket, turned out to be one of the best ideas I've had this weekend, I only hope the weather stays this way for the rest of my days off, especially wednesday when I'm going to Täby to visit parts of my family.

I was one the phone alot yesterday making plans, if I wasn't talking I was texting half the day, I've made plans for tuesday and wednesday, and some for after the summer when I've been invited to a wedding, thought I'd visit my sister who happens to live in those parts of the country aswell (Yeah, it takes about 4-5hrs to get down the to wedding, and "only" 2-2.5 hours to my sister, it's almost next door!).
So the plan is to do some work around the apartment on monday, meet Sanna on tuesday. Täby on wednesday. Which leaves thursday entirely free, with nothing to do?!

Perhaps I should use a few hours tomorrow to sit on the balcony if the weather allows it, would be very nice! With a book, if I can finnish off Harry Potter so I can move on to something else, I have a few books I got from my moms apartment I've been meaning to read, old worn classics.

Now I will leave you with this final thought:
"Mmm, caramel Ferrari cars! Nomnom"


Fever hallucinations...or is it really snowing?!

Sooo, I woke up this morning, feeling as sick as I did yesterday with fever, runny nose and the headache. I get up, walk to the bathroom and glance out the window, and what did I see? Well I was considering the possibility of hallucinations when I saw the snow..


Sick and tired..

Hello there to ya!

I woke up today, feeling what I expected to feel, sick as hell. I've been feeling it comming for a few days and this morning I could hardly breathe. So I rang in sick, sat down with my comp and surfed around on my bookmarked pages, read a few theorycrafting ideas, decided they weren't for me. Checked out the social sites, hardly anything new as usual, except from a mail I've been expecting which made me glad. Rare thing, getting a mail that is! :)

Now when that is all done I expect a long day in the sofa with my bedcover, the zapper and some hot cocoa! Yum.

Cya around and abouts!

Good times, ish!

Sooo, I've got to start writing more often..
Which is why I'm writing now, I don't know what to say but let's talk abot what I've been doing today!

I got up at around 5am after 3 hrs of sleep, always fun leaving for work that early.
As I was making my way to the subway I was thinking how fun it would be if the shiftmanager, aka the guy with keys to open the door etc, would oversleep due to the change to summertime we had sat->sun, how good it'd make me feel.. Yes, I love when bad things happens to others, specially ones I don't really care for :P

So, I arrive at work at 5.45-.50 or so, I see the lights in the office are turned on and I can hear the music, so I bang the door without anyone comming out to open up. I try calling the phone in the office, no answer. I figure he's either got his headphones on, or is downstairs changing, or hasn't arrived yet.

At 06.00 the next guy arrives, the one who's supposed to take inventory and the delivery for the day, none of us know where the last guy is, the only one with the key! So we ring him up, when he answers he replies something like "No, I don't work today".. .. .. I saw his name on the schedule, 0600-1500. So here we are, 2 guys ready to work, locked out.
Then I ring up another guy who has keys, that should start at seven, he says he's on his way, he usually has a car and I figure he'd be at the restaurant in perhaps 15 minutes at the most, we wait, and wait...and wait!

While we're waiting, a guy from Air Liquide shows up, there to fill up our tank of CO2, and we still don't know when anyone will show up with a key.

At 06.30 I start joking about how long it takes to fire up the machines and get them warm enough to cook the food.
At 06.40 I start to get alittle worried.

And finally at 06.45ish we get the door opened because someone FINALLY showed up. I make my way in and turn everything on. Normally it takes some of the things 30 min to warm up, and we open at seven, fun! I lost almost an hour of prep, which set me back for the whole day, I figured I was going to have a bad day.

I don't really know why, but I was quite happy the whole day, despite of pain in my back, my legs and my head.
I think it had to do alot with who else was there, and that around noon we opened the big doors and let some spring air in, and the sun was shining.
We had alot of guests, alot of burgers to flip and not really any slow moments, which is good because time passes quicker as we all know!

Finally I get to make my way home, I accompany Sandra to Gullmarsplan, talking and joking about this and that. Finally home I sit down and game some, what else is new? Sara comes over to join me and Anders gaming, and as always she gets picked on and retaliates with pokes and icy cold hands, brrrr!
At 7pm we started our 10man raid to ICC, with only Festergut, Professor Putricide and the Lich King left we expected quite a quick run. After a lol-wipe on Festergut we down him and I get my achievment for defeating him without anyone having more than 2 stacks of the safety buff.

This leaving me with only ONE more achievment to get before I also get my frostbrood dragon, meaning I'll have it on wednesday I believe, WOHO! :)

Then we spent alot of time dying on Putricide due to what I'd sum up as silly mistakes, bad focusing, and too much stressed talk on Mumble(Vent-like). Finally he died aswell on heroic mode, leaving only Lich King left, and we killed him with the achievment to stack up necrotic plague to 30+ (we had ~39 stacks when we got rid of it :P), took us 2 or 3 pulls. Heroic mode next week!

So all in all, despite having pain all over, a bad start of the day and alot of guests at work, it turned out not so bad! I think it was the sunshine as I left work to go home that really made it a good day, I'm looking forward to more sunny days to come.


PS, I need a cool signature, gotta fix a picture I can import or something!