A thought!

Hello dear readers, the few but oh so great ones :)

I had a amusing thought how I'd describe myself to someone who doesn't know me, I was travelling home from work. Sitting on a train, staring into the sunset (usually something very romantic, done on a beach or w/e) I thought that it wasn't so bad anyway, sitting there on the train. Then there's usually some soft, sensual music in the movies with sunset scenes. I was listening to Pain, quite the opposite of sensual music to most, but still my favourite kind :)

So to sum it up, I'd describe myself as a calm person who can settle with what's provided. I don't NEED the perfect things. And I can be both calm but find something good in the opposite, more chaotic things aswell.

It's quite hard to describe in words, but I liked how it made me feel sitting there thinking, so I wanted to share it.
Another positive thing is my overall mood, I feel quite good nowadays, alot better than I've felt the past few years, eventho things are far from ideal, I still feel quite pleased and happy about things :)


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